Trustee Policy
Trustees must promote a high level of library service while observing ethical standards.
Trustees must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial Benefits gained at the expense of library users, colleagues, of the institution.
It is incumbent upon any trustee to disqualify himself or herself immediately whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists.
Trustees must distinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and attitudes and those of the institution, acknowledging the formal position of the board even if they personally disagree.
A trustee must respect the confidential nature of library business while being aware of and in compliance with applicable laws governing freedom of information.
Trustees must be prepared to support to the fullest the efforts of librarians in resisting censorship of library materials by groups or individuals.
Trustees who accept appointment to a library board are expected to perform all of the functions of library trustees.
This statement was developed by the ATLA-PLA Common Concerns committee. It was adopted by both the ALTA and PLA Boards.
Adopted ______________
Article I – Name and Authorization
This organization shall be called The Board of Trustees of the North Lyon County Library District #1, existing by provision of K. S. A. 12-1222 (if a city, township or county library); or K.S.A. 12-1236 et. seq. (if district library) with powers and duties as provided in K.S.A. 12-15 and K.S.A 12-25 of the Laws of the State of Kansas.
Article II – Meetings
All public library board meetings are subject to the Kansas Open Meeting Act (KOMA), K.S.A.75-4317 et.seq. See Library Laws A.
The Library Board shall meet on the first Tuesday of March, June, and December at 7:00 P.M. at the Library. August meeting will be held on the first Tuesday following Aug. 25th at 7 PM also at the Library to hold a *Neutral Revenue Rate Hearing.
The regular meeting in March shall be the annual meeting. Unless waived, written notice of each regular meeting shall be mailed (or emailed) to each member of the board not less than three days prior to such meeting date.
Special meetings shall be called by the chairman or upon written request by a majority of the board members. Written notice stating time and place of any special meeting and the purpose for which called shall, unless waived, be given each member of the board at least two days in advance of such meeting and no other business other than that stated in the notice shall take place. (K.S.A. 12-1224 and K.S.A. 12-1243).
Executive Sessions – If a formal motion is made, seconded and carried, the board may recess, for a specified time, to a closed or executive meeting, provided no binding action shall take place during the closed door session and provided the purpose of the session is stated.
The motion to recess must include a statement of the justification for closing the meeting, the subjects to be discussed during the meeting, and the time and place.
The law specifies that only certain subjects may be discussed during the closed meeting.
Those which apply to libraries are the following:
1) Personnel matters
2) Consultation with an attorney for the library which would be deemed
privileged in the attorney-client relationship
3) Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations
4) Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trusts
5) Preliminary discussion relating to the acquisition of real property
Article III – Quorum
Four members shall constitute a quorum for seven member library, and three shall constitute a quorum for a five library board.
Article IV – Officers
Officers shall be elected at the annual march meeting (first Tuesday in March for a district Library). Board officers shall be as follows: Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Duties of Officers:
Chairman – With assistance form the library director, draw up an agenda for board meeting, preside at meetings, guide discussions and ensure coverage of the topics. The chairman and secretary must sign all contracts and checks. A person who has been Authorized to sign checks may obtain a facsimile signature. Forms necessary to obtain a facsimile signature are available from the Secretary of State. it is legal to use facsimile signatures on library checks; however, at least one original signature must appear on all checks. THE CHAIR AND THE DIRECTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR AN ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE POLICY MANUAL.
Vice – Chairman – presides at meeting in the absence of the Chairman.
Secretary – Should record the proceedings of each meeting in a book provided for that purpose. The record of procedure should be read at the next meeting, corrected if necessary and approved. (Approval of the minutes should be noted). The Secretary sign the minutes of each meeting after they are approved. The Secretary and Chairman sign all contracts and checks (see facsimile signature above “Chairman”).
Because the secretary’s minutes are the official record of Board action. they should include:
• The purpose of the meeting ( weather regular or special), the time, the place, those attending, and approval of the minutes of the last meeting.
• Complete record of action taken by the Board relative to the librarians report, communications, the treasurer’s report, and all other business transacted.
• Record of adjournment, No business may be legally transacted following adjournment.
• The Secretary must record all motions exactly as stated and show whether adopted in or rejected since this is the legal voice of the board, and only that information recorded in the minutes can be considered official.
The secretary should also keep a note of when members arrive and leave during the meeting in order to prove the existence of a quorum during the entire meeting.
Treasurer – the Treasurer receives all tax funds from the municipality, as well as gifts and endowments given to the library. the treasurer must be bonded in an amount fixed by the board and approved by the governing body of the municipality (K.S.A.12-1226). While the statute states the treasurer must be bonded, the statute does not say the bond must be from an insurance agency. THE TREASURER SHOULD HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND AND PROMTE ITS ADOPTION BY THE BOARD. See Library law B
System Representative – the Board shall appoint a representative to the System Board.
The Representative shall be responsible for attending the annual Spring and Fall Assemblies and to act as a liaison between The System and the Library Board.
Article V – Committees
Each committee shall consist of at least three members, and they shall be appointed as needed by the Chair and confirmed by the board. They shall hold their office until next annual meeting.
Budget – Treasurer, librarian, and another board member appointed by the Chair.
the following schedule should be followed: March, committee discussion; June, recommended budget submitted to full Board. The library budget should be approved by a quorum of the library board in an open meeting. The municipality must have their budget prepared by the first day in August (district libraries publish their own budgets).
Publicity Committee – Assist the librarian in promoting the services, resources and programs offered by the library.
Planning committee – Assist the board and librarian in reviewing the recommending goals, long range and short range objectives and actions for the future.
Other committees shall be appointed as needed.
Article VI. – Order of Business
• Adoption of meeting agenda
• Reading of minutes of the previous meeting
• Correspondence and communication
• Librarian’s Report
• Financial Report
• Report of Standing and Special Committees
• Unfinished Business
• New Business
• Adjournment
Article VII. – Board Responsibility
The Board has the responsibility of making and directing the policy of the library, in accordance at all time with the Statutes of the State of Kansas. Its responsibilities include promotion of library interest, securing adequate funds to carry on the work satisfactorily, and the administration and control of library funds, property and equipment.
The board is responsible for upholding the Open-Meeting Act (KOMA) see Library Law A, and the Kansas Open records Act (KORA) see Library Law C.
Article VIII. – Trustee/Director/Staff Relationships
the Board shall select a director who shall be the administrative officer under the direction and review of the Board. He/she will be responsible for the employment and direction of the staff, for the operation of the Library under the financial conditions set forth in the annual budget, and for such responsibilities as are delegated to him/her by the board. The Librarian shall attend all regular and special board meetings.
Article IX. By-Laws
These By-laws may be repealed, amended or revised at any regular meeting of the Board by the Majority of those present, providing, however, that such proposed repeal, amendment or revision shall first be submitted in writing at regular meeting of the board and sent to those not present. Such proposal shall not be acted upon prior to a subsequent regular meeting of the board, and such notice of intended repeal, amendment or revision shall be included in the notice of such meeting.
Article X. – Parliamentary Procedure
Robert’s rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the proceedings of the Board.
III. Continuing Education for Trustees
Orientation conducted by the Librarian and the Board Chair should be the first step in the new trustee’s education. because the needs of the library and the community change constantly, the Board member should be aware of new trends and new methods in the library field. To do so, Board members should be encouraged to join the Kansas Library Association and attend regional and state conferences and workshops. Workshops and programs sponsored by the system also assist board members in keeping current in the library field. Expenses for attendance at workshops and conferences should be reimbursed at the same rate as for staff.
Every trustee should be familiar with current and pending legislation relating to libraries at local, state and national levels. Trustees should vigorously express their opinions as an individual and/or with members as a library board, and to their elected representative in regard to any such pending legislation.
*Neutral Revenue Rate is lower than the mill levy. The Library will have to make a resolution to the budget to increase above the neutral revenue rate to stay eligible for state aid.
Service Policy
I. Respect for human Diversity
The North Lyon county Library District #1 maintains a policy for appreciation of and respect for human diversity which may characterize the people we serve and the people with whom we work.
Library employees will respect differences in race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, and any other characteristic of human diversity.
II. Library Lending
In order to make materials available to all persons on an equal basis, the North Lyon County Library District #1 Board of Trustees has adopted the following policy for the circulation of library materials:
A. Who May Borrow
All libraries that are members of the North Central Kansas Library System have agreed to allow anyone in the regional system to use their library without charge. Charges made by other libraries for films, interlibrary loan, etc. will be passed on to the user. Residents or property owners in the area are entitled to a free library card by completing a written application form. Any card holder may check out circulating materials on presentation of their library card. If a person does not have their card with them at the time of checkout the person must have identification. The Kansas State Library Card and the North Central Kansas Library System Card will be honored.
B. Number of Items Borrowed
There is no limit on the number of fiction or nonfiction items that may be borrowed by an individual. Rare or historically valuable books will not circulate.
C. Length of Loan Periods
Material are loaned for three weeks. The exceptions are interlibrary loan titles which depends upon the lending library and reference books which depends on the circumstances.
D. Renewals
Renewals may be made in person or over the telephone. All materials may be renewed one time after the initial check out.
E. Use of Equipment
The copier is available for public use at $0.20 per page for black copies an $0.30 per page for color copies. Assistance will be offered by the librarian. Fax use is a $3.00 a fax for the first 4 pages and $0.50 per each additional page.
F. Fines
As of 2023 we are not charging fines at this time.
G. Lost or Damaged Materials
Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out and are liable for the damages which may occur to library materials.
III. Service Hours
A. Daily
Monday 12 pm -6 pm
Tuesday 9 am-12 pm
Wednesday 9 pm-12 pm
Thursday 9 am-12 pm
Friday 9 am-12 pm
Saturday 9 am-11 am
B. Holidays and Closings
The library will be closed for the following holidays:
New Years Day January 1
Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday in January
President’s Day 3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4th
Labor Day First Monday in September
Veteran’s Day November 11
Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November
Christmas Eve December 24th
Christmas Day December 25th
New Years Eve December 31st
IV. Library Services
A. Reference
Reference service will be provided by maintaining a core collection of reference materials and by using the Kansas Library Catalog. Reference service will be offered via telephone, email, or direct contact with the patron. This service is available to individuals and groups. In supplying reference information, if answers are not found from the above sources, referral may be made to appropriate organizations of agencies.
B. Children’s services
Special services for children include, but are not limited to:
Summer Reading Program, Preschool story times, and special events.
C. Services to Groups an Organizations
The Library will actively assist civil, cultural, and educational organizations in locating and using materials for planning programs, for conducting projects, and for furthering the education of patrons.
D. System Membership
The North Lyon County Library District #1 is a member of the North Central Kansas Library System and adheres to the policies and by-laws of that organization. The Library participates actively in the programs and services offered. The Board of Trustees of the Library appoints a System Representative according to the System’s by-laws to represent our library.
E. Outreach
The Library staff or volunteers organized by the staff will deliver and pick up materials to patrons who are homebound or are unable to come to the Library temporarily.
F. Cooperation with Other Libraries
In addition to the North Lyon County District #1’s membership with the North Central Kansas Library System, the Board of Trustees and the Director will be alert to opportunities of cooperation with other libraries to strengthen the services and resources of the library.
V. General Services
A. Use of Meeting Room
The North Lyon County Library District #1 welcomes the use of its meeting room for activities of a civic, cultural, or educational nature and for the discussion of current public questions. The meeting room is available to nonprofit organizations regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of their members. Duly constituted continuing political groups may use the room but temporary committees for the advancement of an individual’s success in a political campaign shall be denied such use. Library-oriented programs will be given preference for use of the room. It is understood that all meetings held will be open to the public should anyone wish to attend. Profit making organizations are not eligible to schedule the meeting room.
1. No admission fee may be charged, nor a collection be taken. The only exceptions are in the case of paid registration at conferences or institutes, held in cooperative with the Library or payment of fees for regularly scheduled education courses sponsored by nonprofit organizations.
2. No product may be sold, except in payment for materials required for educational group discussion use.
3. Any printed materials or displays used by the organization must be approved by the Director.
4. Light refreshments excluding alcoholic beverages may be served but organizations are required to provide their own utensils.
5. Organizations requiring audiovisual equipment will make their own arrangements; the Library does not provide these.
6. The organization will be responsible for setting up the rooms according to its own needs. The Library staff will bear no responsibility. The organization or group using the room must restore the furniture and room to the order in which it was found.
7. All publicity (e.g. posters, brochures, throw-aways, radio, or TV announcements) must carry the name of the organization sponsoring the meeting. The Library may not be identified as sponsor.
8. Neither name nor address of the Library may be used as the official address or headquarters of the organization.
9. Youth organizations using the meeting room must have one adult (over 21) present at all times.
10. If a meeting is canceled the Director should be notified as soon as possible.
11. The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
12. No program from the Library may be broadcast or televised without the permission of the Director.
13. The scheduling of the meeting room during hours when the library is not opened to the public is not allowed after 5:00 pm Monday-Saturday.
14. No smoking is permitted in the meeting room or any place in the Library.
15. If a hearing-impaired person requests at least one week in advance, the group or organization using the meeting room must provide a signer of interpreter.
16. No group or organization using the meeting room will discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or handicapped status in the provision of service.
17. Exceptions to these policies are possible only by permission of the North Lyon County Library District #1 Board of Trustees.
Two copies of the above policy on The Use of the Meeting Room must be signed by each person reserving the meeting room. One copy will be kept on file by the Library and the other copy will be given to the patron.
B. Public Relations Policy
The public must work for a two-way communication with the community. It is a responsibility of the Library whose constituency is all the people, to notify them of services that are available. The Library is also responsible for designing its services to meet the community’s needs.
Library trustees, the public, and the library staff should be involved with better communication between the library and the community and each has a role to play in developing and maintaining good public relations. All Library Staff can exercise creativity in promoting the public library. Each employee is a public relations officer. Each trustee should be willing to support programs to promote library service. The trustees an librarian must assume responsibility for developing and writing the public relations policy.
In recognition of the North Lyon County Library District #1’s responsibility to maintain continuing communication with present and potential users of the library’s services and resources so as to assure effective and maximum usage by all citizens. The Board of Trustees of the library adopts the following resolution as a matter of policy.
The Objectives of the library’s public relations program are:
To promote community awareness of library services
To Stimulate public interest in and usage of the library
To develop public understanding and support of the library and its role in the community
C. Americans with Disabilities Compliance
1. The North Lyon County Library District #1 adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Kansas Act Against Discrimination (PL 101-336), The Kansas Act Against Discrimination (K.S.A. 44-1001ff) and amendments thereto.
2. Qualified individuals are those individuals with disabilities as defined by the ADA.
3. Services, programs, and activities shall be provided in such a manner that qualified individuals can participate in them and/or derive benefit from them, provided that accommodation does not result in a fundamental alteration of the service or constitute an undue burden on the library. Service animals are allowed in the Library.
4. The library does not discriminate against qualified individuals in hiring, promotion, retention, compensation, job training, or other employment practices.
D. Copyright Compliance
The North Lyon County Library District #1 adheres to the provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 (Title 17 of the United States Code). No copy is made with any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage for the library; copies are made on a cost recovery basis only. Library employees do not copy materials which under federal law cannot be copied, or which the copyright holder has specifically prohibited from being copied, except where Fair Use Doctrine applies. The library does not make multiple copies of copyrighted documents for a single user. The Library provides notice of copyright as required by law. Library employees are trained to operate within the parameters of the Copyright Act and to provide public assistance within the Fair Use Doctrine, which provides that, not withstanding the exclusive rights of the copyright owner. The fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research is not an infringement of copyright. Factors to be considered in determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use include: whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantially of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole, and the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. The Fair Use Doctrine applies to the electronic as well as the print environment.
1. Any copy made at the request of a patron will become the property of the patron, with any charges made only for recovery of both direct and indirect library costs. Copies not retained by the patron are destroyed. Copies are made only at the request of a patron and not in anticipation of such need. The Library’s use of clippings to create Vertical Files does not fall within purview of the Copyright Act.
2. Library employees will refuse to make copies for patrons whom they discover to be violating the Fair Use Doctrine, I.e., copying for commercial purposes or in a systematic manner, because of the substantiality of the material that the patron proposes to copy, or because the amount of systematic nature of the patron’s copying of certain material would obviously impact the market for that material. Library employees who know that a patron is violating the Copyright Act by making copies in an unauthorized way are to request that the patron stop. If the patron refuses to stop, the librarian may suspend the patron’s privileges to use the library.
3. Music, audio, and video recordings are never copied. Copyrighted sheet music is never copied or faxed.
VI. Patron Behavior
A. General behavior
Shoes and shirts must be worn.
Privileges may be limited for the following reasons:
1. Damaging library property
2. Stealing library materials
3. Physically harming staff or patron
4. Behavior disruptive to the use of the library by other patrons
5. Habitually don’t return materials
B. activities not Allowed in the Library
1. Eating or drinking except special events
2. Playing of audio equipment so that it disturbs others.
3. Smoking
4. Carrying a weapon into the Library unless authorized by law.
Any patron authorized to carry a weapon must notify library staff.
5. Bringing animals into the Library except those needed to assist a patron with a
Disability or for the use in a library sponsored program that has been authorized by
the Director.
6. Misusing or defacing the restroom.
C. Unattended Children
1. Parents and others responsible for children may not leave children age 6 and under unattended in any area of the library. Parents and adults accompanying children are responsible for their children’s behavior and safety while in the library.
2. Must Pick Up after their children and keep away from staff areas.
3. Staff will request that parents and others responsible for children not leave a child 6 years of age or under unattended in the library.
4. Staff will not agree to “ keep an eye on…” a child nor will staff allow a parent to order a child to remain in the library unattended.
5. If staff becomes aware of children habitually left unattended in the library they will when possible contact the parents in person or by telephone.
6. Staff will immediately report to the person in charge any incident involving an unattended child in the library.
7. Staff will call the police and also notify the person in charge immediately if she/he thinks the safety or wellbeing of any child in the library is in jeopardy.
Movie Policy
The staff of Lyon County Library District #1
Check out DVD’s which are rated R to anyone under 15
Legal Authority
Lyon County Library District #1 is organized under the laws of Kansas (K.S.A. 12-1219 et..seq.) to:
acquire by purchase, gift or exchange, books, periodicals, audios, DVDs, computer software, and other materials deemed necessary by the Library Board of Trustees for extension of library services. Selection of materials for the collection of Lyon County Library Dist. #1 is based on the knowledge of the community, the existing collection and input from the board members, staff and patrons.
Mission statement, Goals and Objectives
Lyon County Library District #1 is a tax supported community resource to provide informational, educational and recreational services, material and programs for people of all ages.
The library collection is, to a large degree, determined by the major roles that the library has adopted. Currently, the Library Board of Trustees, Library Director and Staff define the major roles as follows:
- Reference and information center for the area of service
- Door to reading for pleasure and life -long learning for all ages
- Complement needed resources for area student population
- Service center for genealogists and citizens interested in local history
Community Analysis
The library’s chief service commitment is to the people living in Agnes City, Ivy and Waterloo Townships in northern Lyon County and to the surrounding area. The Community served by the library included people of all ages and backgrounds whether or not they are active library patrons.
Materials Selection
the over all responsibility for the materials selection policy rests with the Library Board of Trustees delegate authority for selection to the Library Director. Library selection gives high priority to those materials most desired or needed by patrons. Selection will be made solely on the merits of the material in relation to building the collection and to serving the needs of readers. Criteria for selection include:
1. Materials that have local or national significance
2. present and potential relevance to community needs
3. Materials that reflect all sides of issues
4. Reputation of author, artist, or publisher
5. Value of material in relation to durability
6. Availability or scarcity of materials on the subject
a. Examination of existing materials on subject
b. Current appeal or popular demand
The Library welcomes suggestions form the public concerning possible purchases for library materials.
Materials to be discarded are determined by the Library Director with suggestions form staff and/or board member. worn, damaged, and outdated materials are weeded from the collection on a regular basis. Marterials may be withfrawn if they are used infrequently, unnecessary duplicated, or have been superseded by a newer edition.
A replacement may be purchased to replace an identical title previously in the collection. the need for replacement is judged by these factors:
- the coverage the library has on the subject. If there is a large collection of materials on a particular subject, there may be no reason for a replacement.
- The Amount of similar material available. If many books are continually published on a particular subject, the library may replace a title with something more current.
- Demand for subject area may be so popular that the library may replace a lost title at once
- if a title is out of print or expensive to replace, the library will not replace with a new one.
- duplicate copies for school assignments will not be ordered.
Special Collections
Special collections in the library include: Microfilm or the Northern Lyon County newspapers and other old local newspapers (at present this represents 25 boxes); Indexes compiled by Robert A. Hodge of the aforementioned newspapers: and some indexes of other newspapers not on microfilm in the library also compiled by Robert A. Hodge; Microfiche of death notice dates from the Emporia Gazette (1892-1989); Yearbooks from Northern Heights High School; oral history/interviews of people in North Lyon County; Research of Rural schools in North Lyon County; Old Allen Coty books; and notebooks of obituaries and other newspaper clippings of people and happenings in North Lyon County. None of these materials are to be checked out of the library. these materials are to be used “in house” only. Some items can be copied for a small fee. A reasonable space of time is asked for the librarian to make copies.
Gifts and Donations
Gifts and donations to the library are made with the agreement of anonymous giving and with the understanding that materials may be used or disposed of as the library determines is appropriate.
Bookplates will be placed in books if requested. A form will be given to donors. The donor determines the value of the gift. Gifts of materials not added to the library collection may be placed in a library book sale or gives to another library. Acceptance or decline of any donations. not covered by the written policies, is considered to be within the discretion of Library Board of Trustees. gifts become the sole property of the library and remain so until a decision is made by the Library Board of Trustees as to the appropriate disposition of the such items.
Under existing law, gifts to the libraries may be deductible. The deductibility is governed by the provisions of the internal code of 1986 as amended. If a potential donor of materials asked the library for an appraisal, IRS and the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (section 155a) clearly states that the appraiser must not be the library that receives the items. Donors are required to obtain a formal appraisal if the value of property or material is valued at $5000 or more. if a library sells or disposes of a gift or materials valued at $500 or more, the library must file Form 8282